Professionals » Testimonials
It is now well established that the incidence of cardiovascular diseases can be reduced by about 80% by adopting a healthy lifestyle: Following the Mediterranean diet, quitting smoking, staying physically active and maintaining a healthy weight.
It is also well known that changing one’s diet is the most difficult challenge. In addition, the media keeps publishing contradictory information about what to eat and not to eat, which makes it difficult to know what to do. This confusion stems from the fact that most studies focus on single foods, categories of foods, or supplements, whereas food should be studied from a global perspective. When studying diet in such an encompassing way, all serious research over the last 20 years showed that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial to cardiovascular health as well as overall health.
Indeed, the Mediterranean diet contributes to reducing the risk of several cancers, helps prevent diabetes, prevents cognitive decline and reduces the risk of dementia.
Moreover, when going for the Mediterranean diet, we quickly notice that it is not only easy to adopt, but also very pleasant to maintain. SOS Cuisine is a very high quality tool to facilitate the adoption and maintenance of a Mediterranean diet. The website is built in a very professional manner and it is convenient to use. We recommend SOS Cuisine to all our patients, as well as to all those who wish to improve their diet.
It is therefore with great enthusiasm that we embarked on this partnership with SOS Cuisine.
Dr. Martin Juneau, MD, MPs, FRCP(C), F.A.C.C.
Cardiologist, Director of Prevention, Montreal Heart Institute, Clinical Full Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal
Research has shown that predefined meal plans greatly contribute to the adoption of better eating habits, which is one of the three keys to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, along with exercise and abstinence from smoking.
The SOS Cuisine ‘heart-healthy’ meal plans take into consideration personal requirements and preferences and meet the latest nutritional recommendations.
Dr. George Honos
Head of Cardiology, University of Montreal’s Health Center Montreal
SOS Cuisine is an exceptional tool for those who want to eat healthy. With a variety of meal plans adapted for several health conditions, SOSCuisine empowers anyone to plan balanced and healthy meals that take into account their individual constraints, thereby increasing chances of their maintaining a good health.
Dr. Louis Gagnon
Co-President and Founder, Capsana
For many years now, a nutritional approach has been recognized as the cornerstone of prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and excess weight.
Over the past ten years or so, the Montreal Heart Institute’s EPIC Centre has been advising its patients and members to adopt the Mediterranean diet. Rich in fruits and vegetables, whole-grain products, vegetable protein, good quality fat and very limited in concentrated sugars and salt, its benefits have been demonstrated beyond doubt in numerous scientific studies.
SOSCuisine’s Heart Healthy meal plan ensures that all the nutritional principles taught in the EPIC Centre are respected. This tool makes it possible to receive full menus for better planning of meals.
Élise Latour, RD
Registered Dietitian, EPIC Centre
Chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by not smoking, exercising and a following a healthy diet. As obesity is the common denominator in all these diseases, relearning how to cook has become a priority, in order to reap the extraordinary benefits of a healthy diet on our health and wellbeing.
The SOSCuisine website is, in this respect, remarkably well built and it enables all those who want to discover simple and healthy recipes, to benefit from the incredible work that has gone into the development of the website..
In fact, the SOSCuisine formula helps to put into practice the most recent prevention-related recommendations, by proposing menus based on fresh, non-processed ingredients, and which are within everyone’s reach as they are reasonably priced and easy to prepare. I congratulate the whole SOSCuisine team and encourage them to continue.
Richard Béliveau, Ph. D.
Director, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, UQÀM Université du Québec à Montréal
The future of hockey performance is in sports nutrition. This is what I explain in my book The Nutrition Edge for Hockey Performance, showing how to adapt meals to follow my recommendations. And that is why I chose SOSCuisine – undoubtedly the best customized meal planning service in existence – to develop meal plans for hockey players and make life easier for their family! SOSCuisine’s hockey meal plans are the perfect complement to my book.
Pearle Nerenberg, M.Sc. R.D.
Sports Dietitian
As ‘D’ day approaches, athletes are often unprepared, they do not consume enough carbohydrates, they stick to old habits and out-dated advice or they are too nervous and do not eat enough. We want to simplify the preparation process and reduce the stress associated with meals. These customizable menus can be tested by the athlete in advance and allow for the athlete to maximize glycogen stores while avoiding digestive and gastrointestinal discomfort.
Melanie Olivier
President of Vivaï, experts in nutrition
For four years now, I have maintained my weight loss of 38 pounds and I am proud to have reached my ideal weight by acquiring healthy eating habits with help from the SOSCuisine service.
I regularly talk to my patients about the benefits of this service. Why? Because they are surprised to learn that I’ve lost weight without putting it back on. It makes them want to discover how I succeeded; and it’s so important for my health and that of my patients.
Here’s what I tell my patients:
Francine Lévesque, gynaecologist
Subscribed to Weight Loss Meal Plans
My collaboration with SOS Cuisine, be it for their participation in events, or for the use of their services by our employees, has always been a success. Their customer care is fast and very effective. Our employees are more than happy to find online menus for the week, including food prices at their preferred supermarkets, healthy recipe ideas that take into account their individual dietary restrictions, and more.
We are convinced of the benefits that SOSCuisine can provide to our employees, in adopting healthier eating habits. That’s why we repeatedly invite SOSCusine to join in the events that we organize for our employees, such as our legendary ‘Stairs Challenge’ or fairs featuring health professionals.
Additionally, SOSCuisine is an excellent partner for the one on one consultations that we give our employees. COnsidering the fast-paced life of our workforce, and the challenge in juggling with work-life balance, it is increasingly difficult to maintain healthy eating habits. That’s why we chose SOSCuisine to support our employees in their efforts to optimize their lifestyle.
Janie Chartré-Bertrand
Kinesiologist, CGI