Bell peppers are available year-round, but they’re at their best in late summer, when they’re more likely to come from a local farm! Delicious and versatile, they beautifully color our dishes, whether they are eaten raw or cooked, grilled or roasted. To make the most of them, here are ten succulent recipes with brightly colored bell peppers.
Peppers being native to Mexico, they are found in several typical dishes of this country. In this quesadilla recipe, our star food is added to a succesful marriage of tastes and textures: sliced turkey, avocado, cheese, cilantro and cumin. A treat for the whole family!
Did you know that a red pepper is actually a green pepper picked when ripe? The fruit is initially green, then will turn from yellow to orange, and will eventually turn red when fully ripe. It can therefore be picked and tasted at all stages. Opt for your favorite colors in this skewer recipe.
When preparing a risotto recipe, we rarely think of adding peppers, compared to mushrooms, which are a classic. However they red peppers are just perfect in this risotto enhanced by parmesan cheese. A surprising result that only requires a few simple ingredients.
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